Allard ES, Kensinger EA. (2018). Cognitive emotion regulation in adulthood and old age: positive gaze preferences across two strategies. Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn, 25(2), 213-230. link
Alger SE, Kensinger EA, Payne JD. (2018). Preferential consolidation of emotionally salient information during a nap is preserved in middle age. Neurobiol Aging, 68, 34-47. link
Bowen HJ, Kark SM, Kensinger EA. (2018) NEVER forget: negative emotional valence enhances recapitulation. Psychon Bull Rev, 25(3), 870-891. link
Ford JH, DiBiase HD, Kensinger EA (2018). Finding the good in the bad: age and event experience relate to the focus on positive aspects of a negative event. Cognition and Emotion, 32(2), 414-421. link
Ford JH, DiBiase HD, Ryu E, Kensinger EA. (2018). It gets better with time: Enhancement of age-related positivity effect in the six months following a highly negative public event. Psychol Aging, 33(3), 419-424. link
Ford JH, Kensinger EA. (2018). Older adults use a prefrontal regulatory mechanism to reduce negative memory vividness of a highly emotional real-world event. Neuroreport, 29(13), 1129-1134. link
Gutchess A, Kensinger EA (2018). Shared Mechanisms May Support Mnemonic Benefits from Self-Referencing and Emotion. Trends Cogn Sci, 22(8), 712-724. link
Madan CR, Kensinger EA (2018). Predicting age from cortical structure across the lifespan. European Journal of Neuroscience, 47(5), 399-416. link
Payne JD, Kensinger EA (2018). Stress, sleep, and the selective consolidation of emotional memories. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 19, 36-43. link
Bennion KA, Payne JD, Kensinger EA. (2017). Residual effects of emotion are reflected in enhanced visual activity after sleep. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci, 17(2), 290-304. link
Bowen HJ, Kensinger EA. Recapitulation of emotional source context during
memory retrieval. (2017). Cortex, 91:142-156. link
Bowen HJ, Kensinger EA.(2017). Memory-related functional connectivity in visual processing regions varies by prior emotional context. Neuroreport, 28(13), 808-813. link
Bowen HJ, Kensinger EA (2017). Cash or Credit? Compensation in Psychology Studies: Motivation Matters. Collabra: Psychology, 3(1). link
Choi HY, Kensinger EA, Rajaram S. (2017). Mnemonic transmission, social contagion, and emergence of collective memory: Influence of emotional valence, group structure, and information distribution. J Exp Psychol Gen, 146(9), 1247-1265. link
Ford JH, Kensinger EA. (2017). Prefrontally-mediated alterations in the retrieval of negative events: Links to memory vividness across the adult lifespan. Neuropsychologia, 102, 82-94. link
Ford JH, Kensinger EA. (2017). Age-Related Reversals in Neural Recruitment across Memory Retrieval Phases. J Neurosci, 37(20), 5172-5182. link
Gaesser B, DiBiase HD, Kensinger EA. (2017). A role for affect in the link between episodic simulation and prosociality. Memory, 25(8), 1052-1062. link
Kensinger EA, Gutchess AH. (2017). Cognitive Aging in a Social and Affective Context: Advances Over the Past 50 Years. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci, 72(1):61-70. link
Krendl AC, Zucker HR, Kensinger EA. (2017). Examining the effects of emotion regulation on the ERP response to highly negative social stigmas. Soc Neurosci, 12(3), 349-360. link
Madan CR, Kensinger EA. (2017). Test-retest reliability of brain morphology estimates. Brain Inform, 4(2):107-121. link
Madan CR, Kensinger EA. (2017). Age-related differences in the structural complexity of subcortical and ventricular structures. Neurobiol Aging, 50, 87-95. link
Waring JD, Dimsdale-Zucker HR, Flannery S, Budson AE, Kensinger EA. (2017). Effects of mild cognitive impairment on emotional scene memory. Neuropsychologia, 96, 240-248. link
Bennion KA, Payne JD, & Kensinger EA (2016). The impact of napping on memory for future-relevant stimuli: Prioritization among multiple salience cues. Behavioral Neuroscience, 130(3), 281-9. link
Ford JH & Kensinger EA (2016). Effects of internal and external vividness on hippocampal connectivity during memory retrieval. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 134 Pt A, 78-90. link
Ford JH, DiGirolamo M, & Kensinger EA (2016). Age influences the relation between subjective valence ratings and emotional word use during autobiographical memory retrieval. Memory, 24(8), 1023-32. link
Kark SM, Slotnick SD & Kensinger EA (2016). Repetition enhancement of amygdala and visual cortex functional connectivity reflects nonconscious memory for negative visual stimuli. J Cogn Neurosci, 28(12), 1933-1946. link
Kensinger EA, Choi H-Y, Murray BD, & Rajaram S (2016). How social interactions affect emotional memory accuracy: Evidence from collaborative retrieval and social contagion paradigms. Memory and Cognition, 44(5), 706-16. link
Krendl AC & Kensinger EA (2016). Does older adults' cognitive function disrupt the malleability of their attitudes toward outgroup members? An fMRI investigation. PLoS One, 11(4), e0152698. link
Madan CR & Kensinger EA (2016). Cortical complexity as a measure of age-related brain atrophy. Neuroimage, 134, 617-629. link corrigendum
Mickley Steinmetz KR, Knight A, & Kensinger EA (2016). Neutral details associated with emotional events are encoded: Evidence from a cued recall paradigm. Cognition and Emotion, 30(7), 1352-60. link
Thakral P, Kensinger EA, & Slotnick SD (2016). Familiarity and priming are mediated by overlapping neural substrates. Brain Research, 1632, 107-18. link